Investing with Istockhomes
Istockhomes® Marketing Ltd.

At Istockhomes we are building a business in and around the real estate market while not being directly involved in real estate. Hence we do not fluctuate in our pricing as Our pricing is not attached to the housing market.
We have primarily 2 options for investment
1 is to purchase a domain and all of its assets or
2 is to join us in a Joint Venture Partnership
To purchase a domain
Option A
New York Luxury Real Estate Listings
A second domain NYLRL.COM
A Facebook Group:
A Facebook Page:
Option A
New York Luxury Real Estate Listings can be purchased in whole for $1 Million USD plus applicable taxes or
A Joint Venture Partnership 50/50 Istockhomes Marketing and Yourself. In this partnership, the goal would be to continue to develop the assets in the partnership and to raise the price by 10X, and wait for a buyer.
The funds invested would be split into 2, 50% would stay in a bank account to be used to develop the Asset ( New York Luxury Real Estate Listings ) and the other 50% would go to Istockhomes to cover wages and expenses for Istockhomes, Brad Camp and Paul Hoffman.
If you are wanting to invest more heavily in Istockhomes and want a piece of the whole pie contact us, we are willing to listen Email us: